Even though death is a serious subject, our most popular series continues for your morbid enjoyment. This time we’ve collected some macabre stories of people finding ways to die that might provoke a chuckle.
#1 Too much sex and Viagra, makes Jack a dead boy
Sergey Tuganov made a bet with two female acquaintances in 2009 that he could continue to satisfy them sexually for 12 hours straight. They took the bet, and a wild night began. In order to be sure he would win, Sergey downed a whole bottle of Viagra pills before he set to work. As advertised, he was up and at ’em for the full 12 hours. He won the bet, but as soon as he stopped, he dropped dead from a heart attack. Records are silent as to whether he had a smile on his face.
#2 A Tragic Romantic
Li Bai was a prolific romantic poet in China from 701-762. Like all romantic poets, he enjoyed a drink. Li was in a boat on the river, drinking and thinking deep thoughts, when he spotted the moon’s reflection in the river and reached out over the side of the boat to embrace and kiss the moon’s reflection. He toppled overboard and drowned in the river while trying to give the moon a kiss, thus dying in a fitting manner for a drunk romantic poet.
#3 Underarm Undertaker
A 16-year-old boy in Folkestone, England, had become obsessed with wanting to avoid body odour and so used dozens of cans of spray-on deodorant every day, until eventually it took its toll on him. The boy’s body was found in his room, collapsed against his bed, dead from inhaling the propellant gas. He had sprayed his body with so much deodorant that he couldn’t get enough oxygen and it killed him.
#4 Rattlesnake Catch
In Alabama in 1995, Junior Bright and Joe Buddy Caine came across a four-foot rattlesnake and in an alcohol-inspired fit of inspiration, decided to host an impromptu game of catch by tossing the snake back and forth to each other. The snake was unaccustomed to this sort of disrespect, and demonstrated its displeasure by biting both of them. When paramedics arrived, they were both semiconscious and Caine died on the way to the hospital. Apparently the snake slithered away to bite another day.
#5 Burn for You
In the late 1300s, King Charles II of Navarre had become ill, and as part of his advanced middle-ages medical treatment, his doctor wrapped him from head to toe in linen cloth and then coated him in brandy. He was sewn into the bandages, but the nurse who was sewing him in had forgotten her scissors. She tried to cut the thread by using a candle to burn it off. Instead, she lit the king ablaze, due to the brandy and very flammable linen covering him. He was burnt alive in his own palace as the nurse fled for her life.
#6 Oh dear, what can the matter be …?
Two elderly sisters Mildred Bowman and Alice Wardle were on holiday in 2009, and were resting in a wall-mounted fold-out bed in their hotel, when the bed collapsed and folded itself up, crushing them inside. They were trapped there for four days before their bodies were eventually found.
#7 Star Wars
In South Korea in 2005, a 28-year-old man collapsed and died of heart failure at an Internet cafe during a marathon session of the video game Star Craft. It was found upon examination that he was severely dehydrated and malnourished, as well as intensely exhausted. His heart had just given out, and he’d been so intently focussed on his game that he’d died of thirst.
#8 Atomic Wedgie
In 2013 in Oklahoma, Brad Davis was convicted of manslaughter for killing his stepfather. He claimed that during a heavy drinking session, he had attempted to give his stepdad an atomic wedgie. This type of wedgie is achieved when you pull someone’s underwear up from the back of their pants, then put the waistband all the way over their head, all while the underwear is still being worn. Unfortunately for Davis, the underwear became wrapped around his stepfather’s throat, and he strangled to death.
#9 Hair Today …
Hans Steininger claimed to have the world’s longest beard. It was over a meter and a half long and he displayed it with pride. One day there was a fire and he had to flee his home. In his panic, he tripped on his beard and fell to the ground, breaking his neck and dying instantly.
#10 Laughter is the best medicine?
In ancient Greece, Chrysippus was a philosopher in 279 BC who was very fond of wine. He was drinking one day when he saw a donkey eating some figs. He gave the donkey some wine, and the drunk donkey then continued to try eating figs, but didn’t do so well. Chrysippus saw this drunk donkey failing at eating, laughed and laughed so hard that he had a heart attack, and managed to die of laughter in a drunken giggle-fit.
#11 If a little is good for you, then more must be better …
Carrot juice is supposedly good for you, but anything in huge quantities is generally harmful, even water. One health enthusiast, Basil Brown, drank gallons of carrot juice every day, thinking it would give him X-ray vision and other superhuman abilities. What he achieved was Vitamin A poisoning, which killed him through liver cirrhosis.
#12 The Great London Beer Flood
In October 1814, the Horse Shoe Brewery in London experienced problems with a 22-foot-high fermentation tank they were using. The vat held the equivalent of 3,500 barrels of ale, and when one of the rings holding the tank together snapped, the beer came pouring out into the factory in a flood. The river of beer swept into the street, killing several people in its wake. It caused thousands pounds of damage, and the brewery was later demolished. There is no proof of the rumour that some of those killed were trying to swim into the brewery.
Weird Probate Issues Articles Series
- Weird Probate Issues
- More Weird Probate Issues
- Weird Probate Issues Part 3
- Weird Probate Issues Part 4
- Weird Probate Issues Part 5
- Weird Probate Issues Part 6
- Weird Probate Issues Part 7
- Weird Probate Issues Part 8
- Weird Probate Issues Part 9
- Weird Probate Issues Part 10
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