Genders and Partners

Car Accident Compensation in Adelaide and SA: Categories of Compensation

Genders and Partners

Car Accident Compensation in Adelaide and SA: Categories of Compensation

If you have been injured, or if you have lost a loved one in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for:

Pain and suffering
– Typical injuries after an accident include broken bones, burns, nerve damage, muscle damage, torn ligaments, pain, stiffness, reduced movement, and headaches.

Loss of wages
– If the accident has caused you to lose income, you may be able to claim for lost wages. Loss of income can have a big impact on your family’s future. Financial stress can build up. Other problems can then caused by that stress.

Loss of job security & Promotion prospects
– Your reduced ability to perform your normal work duties may make you more vulnerable at work. Reduced hours, less responsibility, increased time-off, maybe even termination… These can all affect you future employability. You may also suffer reduced enjoyment of chosen occupation or enforced early retirement.

Loss of superannuation benefits
– If your injuries cause you to lose icome, you are probably also losing superannuation contribution as well. these too may be compensable.

Medical Expenses
– One of the first concerns after an accident, is to get the proper treatment to minimize its effects. However paying for that treatment can streatch family budgets to breaking point. Genders & Partners has the special expertise to assist you & your family at this critical time.

Future medical treatments
– Major injuries can need pain management for a long time. The cost can be substantial. Stress can build up. The realisation taht you might always suffer permanet impairments and disabilities can lead to depression. Loved ones can bear the brunt of your short-temper. Long term treatment may be necessary.

Home Help
– If your injuries prevent you from doing some things around the home, you may be entitled to claim for cost of professional paid assistance to do those things you can no longer do for yourself.

Voluntary Assistance
– If your injuries prevent you from doing some things around the home, very often your family & friends will pick up the slack. You may be entitled to claim compensation for the voluntary assistance (gratuitous services) performed by your parents, spouse or children for those things you can no longer do for yourself.

Loss of enjoyment of Marriage
– When you’re tired, stressed and not feeling well, love ones can bear the burnt of your short-temper. A claim can be made on behalf of your partner for their loss of enjoyment of marraige

Wrongful Death
– Close family members may be able to claim for loss of financial dependence following the wrongful death of a loved one. A modest sum may be claimable for the emotional trauma.

Nervous Shock

– If you suffer severe shock from witnessing a major accident to another person, you may be able to claim for your psychiatric injuries.

Contact us on (08) 8212 7233 to claim your FREE 15 Minute Telephone Consultation today!

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