The first thing you should do is seek the advice of a senior lawyer who specialises in accident injury claims, who can help you get just compensation for the harm inflicted upon you and your family.
Every year, thousands of people in Adelaide and from all over South Australia are caught up in accidents. Hundreds of these result to deaths, while thousands more result in a wide range of personal injury. Regardless of the cause, if you are the victim of some form of injury, you owe it to your family to take advice about your options for fair and equitable compensation for the damage done to you.
Claims may be made for many forms of damage inflicted on you or your loved ones, due to the negligence of another individual. It may be a traffic accident, exposure to asbestos at work, or a slip & fall.
The impact of an accident on the lives of those involved can be enormous. Some injuries result in permanent damage, such as paralysis or chronic pain and disability. Often these physical injuries generate corresponding psychological effects such as anxiety, depression and phobias. An accident that causes damage like this can lead to large, long-term costs to you and your family, both financially and emotionally.
An accident injury may cause expenses in the thousands of dollars, as well as affect current and future employment, interpersonal relations, and other damage.
A significant accident injury can be life changing and may have considerable financial and emotional costs.
It is important that you understand the costs that any accident injury might have on you and your family, now and for the rest of your life. This can be a complex process, and you should make sure that you have professional assistance.
When considering an accident injury claim in Adelaide you should ask these questions first:
- What are the financial costs this might have on us?
- Will my ability to earn a living be affected?
- How do I know what is fair and proper compensation?
- What if I need to pay for necessary medical treatment & medication later in life?
A lawyer specialising in accident compensation can help answer all of these questions, and advise you on possible legal options for the damage done to you and your family.
Most accident injury claims are settled out of court settlement, but special skill and expertise from an experienced lawyer is necessary to guide you in making the right decisions, and getting the best results.
Expert Guidance on Accident Injury Claim in Adelaide
Being involved in an accident injury can have a major and lasting impact on you and your family. That is why it is important to get professional help in claiming compensation for the damage you have suffered. Your family will benefit from the experience and expertise of Genders & Partners solicitors – the oldest law firm in South Australia, and the holder of the State record for the highest-ever personal injury award of damages in South Australia.
Contact us today and learn about our No Win No Fee* payment system. At Genders & Partners, we pride ourselves on our expertise in the area of personal injury claims. Our Accident and Injury team have extensive experience helping people injured in everyday accidents, as well as those whose lives have been devastated in catastrophic disasters, such as brain injury, spinal injury, and major disaster claims.
Call us today for a Free First Interview*, and see how we can help you and your family with accident injury claims in Adelaide.
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